Tous ensemble, tous humain

Ouvrir les cœurs, les corps et les esprits. Regarder dans toutes les directions. Et choisir celles où le vivre ensemble, le bien commun est primaordial…

All together, all human

Open up your hearts, bodies and minds. Look in all directions. And choose the places where living together, the common good is paramount …

Alle zusammen, alle Menschen

Herz, Körper und Geist öffnen, in alle Richtungen blicken und den Weg gehen, auf dem das Miteinander zählt.

Koenigsmaker Operation – Part 5

Karl Marx, Kim Jong-Un, Axhammar 1 och Stocholms syndrom i Trier – Tyskland

« After the Karl Marx museum and the photo in front of the statue, he drank a beer bock and said he had to go to the Apotheke and we’ve been waiting for an hour. »

« I would like to apply for political asylum in North Korea. Help me !!! « 

« No problem, the statue is an inter-galactic ship. Comrade Kim Jong-Un is waiting for you … »

« Two more and we will be able to go to dinner ! »